Monday, June 20, 2016

Before the Launch

Before the Launch

I am senior pursuing my degree in Communications with an emphasis in Media Studies, and a minor in Spanish. Through my time at NIU, I have developed a passion for the Spanish language and culture. I also love to hang out with my friends and play sports, watch movies, and Latin dance. I will be graduating by the end of this summer after my studies in Costa Rica.
So why am I choosing to study abroad in Costa Rica? I remember one of my professors telling the class the benefits of studying abroad, and learning Spanish. I really thought it was a cool idea, but in my mind I didn't think it would be possible for me financially. I decided to go to the study abroad fair and get a little more information. I only had 12 more credits to finish school, and thought about finishing up the classes abroad. I never traveled outside of the country, and did something adventurous. So I saw the CIS program for Costa Rica and it offered the right amount of credits I needed  in order to graduate. I thought to myself, "Why not?" Many of the study abroad summer programs offered only 6-9 credits, and the CIS program offered the right amount. I really wanted to learn the Spanish language, and experience the culture, especially the music and dance. After looking at the CIS program for Costa Rica, I knew this is what I wanted. They offered a chance to live with a host family and experience the culture of Costa Rica. I really was drawn to the pictures of Costa Rica and the amazing beauty of the land.
Now I probably say preparing for my trip was the most difficult process, but it was totally worth it. I had to approve courses, fill out and read many papers, and work towards get my passport. But every step of the way, the NIU study abroad office helped me tremendously. I got my airport ticket earlier this month, and I'm all set for my trip. Now I am getting my vaccinations later this week, and making all the preparations for the big launch. I have to make sure I get all the things I need such as, medicine, food, the right clothes, and toiletries. Overall, I am ready to go to begin a new journey in Costa Rica.
What do I hope to gain from my experience?
1. Improvement in Spanish- I really hope to be able to tremendously improve in my Spanish speaking and conversational skills. It will definitely force me to talk Spanish 24/7.
2. New perspective of the world-I want to have a different perspective of what life and culture is like outside of the bubble that I live in.
3. Long lasting Relationships-I desire to gain some long lasting friendships with the people I meet during my time in Costa Rica.
4. Better clarity for my future-I hope that through being here I can have a better sense of direction for my future plans after graduation, and have future opportunities to travel to even more places in Latin America.
5. Dance! I know that in Costa Rica dance and music are an important thing. I hope I can learn the dances in Costa Rica, and gain some great Latin dancing skills.
What fears and anxieties do I have?
1. The language- I know it will be difficult sometimes to understand people with the language and cultural barriers. But I know the more I immerse myself in the culture and language, I will be able to understand and adjust to the language.
2. Having difficulties with transportation and other things- I worry about if I loose directions, and facing complications with travel and the unexpected occurrences.
3. Health-I have to make sure I take care of my health, as I am aware of the many health problems that can occur overseas.
Now I am ready to go to this land and I will keep you all up to date during my trip to the amazing land of Costa Rica!